Top 10 Books for UPSC in English and Hindi

Top 10 Books for UPSC | English | हिंदी


Top 10 Books for UPSC

The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exam in India is highly competitive and requires thorough preparation across a wide range of subjects. Here is a list of top 10 books for UPSC that can be helpful for UPSC exam preparation:

 1)  History of Modern India आधुनिक भारत का इतिहास

Written in an easy to understand language, the book is a good ready reckoner for many competitive examinations such as banks, state and union civil services examinations.

For students as well as candidates preparing for competitive examinations, the book has nearly all important details that would meet the level of knowledge required for preparation. End of chapter key points are there for making a quick revision and for undergoing a self-analysis about recalling historical facts.

 2) Certificate Physical and Human Geography भारत एवं विश्व का भूगोल

The book is divided into two main sections. The first one deals with physical geography, where in-depth information about existing land masses, oceans, types of winds, rivers, glaciation, mountain types, groundwater, rainfall and its global patterns and such existing natural phenomenon is presented in a well-illustrated manner that makes reading a pleasure.

The second section details about the existing global climatic zones of Savanna, Steppe, Mediterranean, Equatorial and Tropical Monsoon Climate. Aspects of Human Geography spread over these varied climatic zones, the types of agriculture practiced, the urban centers, mineral wealth and the developed industrial belts have also been included.

 3)  Indian Polity by Laxmikanth भारत की राजव्यवस्था

The book itself needs no introduction. It has become a must-read book for aspirants appearing in various competitive examinations, especially civil services examinations. Language of the book is extremely simple and straight forward and it still feels like you are being spoon fed by the author.

This new, fifth edition, has seven new chapters added, along with four new appendices. The extant chapters have been completely revised and updated with recent developments.

 4)  Indian Economy by Ramesh Singh  भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था

Written by a subject expert who has several books on economics, contemporary essays etc. to his credit, the book is of immense importance to academics, researchers, aspirants of civil services examinations and those with an abiding passion for the subject.

Topics are well designed to cover the entire UPSC syllabus. One who wants to prepare Indian Economics as a subject must read. However, the best thing about this book is that it is well designed in a way and written in a manner that everyone can read very easily.

 5)  Environment by Shankar IAS  पर्यावरण एवं पारिस्थितिकी

This book follows the paper pattern and syllabus given by Union Public Service Commission. The language of the book is simple, and the content is engaging which ensures students face no trouble during studying. Top 10 Books for UPSC Preparation

This book is completely dedicated on Environment and covers all concepts and points. Along with clear explanations the book gives adequate practice for students so that they can test their knowledge and check their understandings.

 6)  Indian Art & Culture  भारतीय कला एवं संस्कृति

Meant for Aspirants of the Civil Services (Preliminary and Mains) examination, this book covers the syllabus of Indian Heritage and Culture of the General Studies Paper I. The book contains a wide ranged knowledge base on Indian Art, Paintings, Music and Architecture with the help of several pictures and diagrams which will help arouse the reader’s interest.

Far better than Nitin Singhania’s handwritten notes, very much student friendly and picture illustration in every page for every concepts.

 7)  Geography through maps  ऑक्सफ़ोर्ड एटलस (हिंदी)

Geography by maps is simply the best work of K Siddhartha. A must read book for every civil services aspirant. This book lucidly explains geographical location & factors with the help of maps.

The India section comprises physical, geo-political and thematic representation of the states. The Continents section has a large number of regional maps that vividly trace out the geographic characteristics of each region.

 8)  Science & Technology – TMH  विज्ञानं एवं प्रौद्योगिकी

Examinations of high levels such as UPSC and State Civil Services are prescribing General studies to be an important component of the exam syllabus. In the last few years, the trend of framing questions has shifted enormously towards including General Science in many questions.

Several contemporary technological areas as well as some of the new emerging sciences like biotechnology find place in the book. The text has been neatly sectioned in ten parts for an even pattern for studying.

 9)  IAS Prelims Papers 1  प्रारंभिक परीक्षा पेपर 1

22 Years CSAT General Studies IAS Prelims Topic-wise Solved Papers (1995-2023)” consists of past years solved papers of the General Studies Paper 1 and 2. Top 10 Books for UPSC Preparation

The book further covers a Special Section on: (i) Budget (ii) Bills and Acts (iii) Govt. Policies and Schemes (iv) Diary of National Events. Moreover, it also flaunts the legend “Mrunal” himself, which guarantees the authenticity of the book itself.

 10)  IAS Prelims Papers 2  प्रारंभिक परीक्षा पेपर 2

It contains questions on the important concepts which are required to crack the CSAT exam. The questions are covered in the form of 101 speed tests.

Above all Top 10 Books for UPSC Preparation is very good and help to you to crack competitive examinations such as banks, state and union civil services examinations.

Remember that along with these books, it’s important to read newspapers, magazines, and other relevant study materials to stay updated on current affairs. Additionally, solving previous years’ question papers and participating in mock tests can significantly enhance your preparation.

Which are best websites for UPSC preparation?? Don’t worry!! IAS Mania platform would love to share complete list of the Best Websites.

Books For UPSC Optional Subjects

(English & हिंदी)

  1. Nice Information….

    Top Books for IAS preparation…

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