
Hindi Medium Books For UPSC Mains Exam


Hindi Medium Books For UPSC Mains Exam

Hindi Medium Books For UPSC Main Exam – G S Paper 1

Indian History
World History
Indian Geography
World Geography
Art Culture
Indian Society

Hindi Medium Books For UPSC Main Exam – G S Paper 2

Hindi Medium Books For UPSC Main Exam – G S Paper 3

Hindi Medium Books For UPSC Main Exam – G S Paper 4

Hindi Medium Essay, English & Previous Year Solved Papers – Upsc Mains Exam

Books For UPSC Optional Subjects – हिंदी

Hindi Medium Mains Optional Solved Papers

  1. Sr i want Geology Book in hindi medium If you have any books of Geology Please Informed me. I send you Sllybus of Geology Please send me information

    1. Physical Geology : Geology and its perspectives. Earth, its size, shape, mass,
    density, rotational and revolution parameters. Origin and Age of the Earth.
    Elementary idea of Geodynamic Processes of the Earth: Continental Drift, Sea
    Floor Spreading and the Theory of Plate Tectonics; Mountains, Earthquake and
    volcano. Earth surface system: Weathering, Erosion and their role in forestry;
    Geological work of rivers, glaciers, wind and groundwater and their products.
    Unit II
    Crystallography: Crystal forms, Symmetry elements of crystallography.
    Notation system of Wiess and Miller. Classification of Crystal system.
    Mineralogy: Structure and classification of silicate minerals. Physical
    properties of minerals. Physical properties of important Silicate and economic
    minerals: Quartz, Jasper, Orthoclase, Plagioclase, Microcline, Muscovite,
    Biotite, Garnet, Olivine, Augite, Hornblende, Tourmaline, Talc, Gypsum,
    Fluorite, Calcite, Apatite, Barite, Asbestos. Phosphorite, Beryl, Kyanite,
    Galena, Sphalerite, Pyrite, Hematite, Chromite, Bauxite and Coal.
    Unit III
    Structural Geology: Concept of Laminations, Bed, Dip, Strike, True and
    Apparent dips. Elementary idea of cleavage, joints and lineation,
    Unconformities, Classification of Folds and Faults.
    Unit IV
    Paleontology: Fossils, their mode of preservation Index fossils.
    Stratigraphy: Geological Time Scale. Principles of Stratigraphy; Time unit,
    Rock unit and Time-rock- unit. Archean Geology : Preliminary idea of Cratons
    of India. Craton of Rajasthan ( Bhilwara Supergroup to include BGC and Pre
    Aravalli metasediments). Proterozoic and Palaeozoic sequences of Rajasthan:
    Aravalli Supergroup, Delhi Supergroup, Vindhyan Supergroup, Marwar
    Supergroup and Malani Igneous Suite. Mesozoics sequences of western
    Rajasthan. Tertiary of Western Rajasthan. Quaternary Geology: Thar Desert
    and Palaeochannels of Saraswati river and its significance in plantation.
    Unit V
    Igneous Petrology: Composition of magma, Forms, Textures and sructures of
    igneous rocks; Tabular classification of Igneous rocks; Megascopic
    characteristics of the following rocks: Granite, Syenite, Gabbro, Anorthosite,
    Peridotite, Dolerite, Pegmatite, Lamprophyre, Rhyolite and Basalt.
    Metamorphic Petrology: Metamorphism and its kinds and agents, Texture and
    structures of metamorphic rocks. Classification of metamorphic rocks.
    Megascopic characteristics of the following rocks Quartzite, Marble, Slate,
    Phyllite, Schist, Gneiss, Migmatite, Granulite and Charnokite.
    Unit VI
    Sedimentary Petrology: Sediments and Sedimentary rocks, the process of their
    formation Sedimentary Textures and structure, Heavy minerals; Classification
    of Sedimentary rocks. Elementary knowledge of sedimentary environments.
    Environmental Geology: Concept of natural ecosystem, Interaction and
    interrelation of Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and Biosphere. Types of
    Soils and soil zones. Significance of Soils in forestry. Application of landscape
    and forest in geotourism.
    Unit VII
    Economic Geology: Definition and types of Economic minerals. Elementary
    idea of Ore forming process and deposits. Physical properties, mode of
    occurrence and economic use of following economic minerals along with their
    locations in Rajasthan state with special reference to Lead, Zinc, Copper,
    Phosphorite, Gypsum, Quartz, Asbestos, Wollastonite, and Talc. Elementary
    idea about Petroleum and lignite deposits of western Rajasthan. Relationship
    of mining and fore st.
    Unit VIII
    Remote Sensing: Fundamentals of Remote Sensing; study of aerial
    photographs and imageries for Geomorphology, Structural Geology, Lithology
    and forestry. Applications of Remote sensing in mineral exploration and forest
    Unit IX
    Groundwater Hydrogeology: Hydrological cycle, Types of Groundwater,
    vertical distribution of groundwater. Surface and Groundwater reservoirs :
    Aquifer, Aquiclude, aquitard and Aquifuge. Hydorgeological properties of
    groundwater. Darcy’s Law.
    Unit X
    Mineral, Forest and Environmental Policies : Elimentary idea of National
    mineral policy. Mineral concession rules. Environmental policies and forest.

  2. good morning sir……..sir pls suggest me a best book for history in hindi medium ………..thank you sir

  3. Sir pls mujhe uppsc ki acchi books k bare me btaiye… Sir mujhe kuch nhi samjh a ra h ki.. Kaise pda jaye

  4. thanks sir, really best books for ias. I am founder of www.iasbeginner.com blog. only for ias hindi mediem.

  5. Hey guys, I found this interesting article on IAS educator. “What to do right after Prelims result. The article has surely helped me strategize my Mains preparation. Must read article. They are also associated with experts partners or academies, who can call us and guide further. I found this very helpful. Check if need.

  6. sir jis trah se aap saare subjects k notes english me available kra hai pls hindi me bhi aise notes denge to bhut help hogi……….thank you

  7. Thanks Sir for such valuable information. Kindly suggest books on Political Science, Public Administration and Sociology in Hindi medium for the preparation of optional subject in main exam.With regard.

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