India Physiography - The Northern Indian Plains

India Physiography – The Northern Indian Plains


India Physiography – The Northern Indian Plains

Physiography of India

India can be divided into following physical divisions viz.

  • The Northern Mountains
  • The North Indian Plain
  • The Peninsular Plateau
  • Great Indian Desert
  • The Coastal Regions
  • Islands

The North Indian Plain

  • Formed by depositional work of Rivers viz. Indus, Ganga & Brahamputra
  • 2400 km long & varying in width from 240 to approx. 320 km.
  • Divided into three sections, viz. the Punjab Plain (Indus), the Ganga Plain and the Brahmaputra Plain

Northern Indian Plains

Punjab Plains Formed by the Indus and its tributaries with major portion of this plains in Pakistan.
Ganga Plains Between Ghaggar and Tista rivers (Haryana, Delhi, UP, Bihar, part of Jharkhand and West Bengal lie in the Ganga plains)
Brahmaputra Plains From Tista to Dihang with major portion lying in Assam


Northern Plains India

Northern plains subdivisions


  • Lies along foothills of Shiwaliks, From Indus to Tista
  • Laid down by streams coming from hills
  • Comprises of pebble studded rocks (Highly porous bed plain)
  • Due to high porosity, streams disappear here

  • Lies south of Bhabhar & runs parallel to it
  • Marked by re-emergence of underground streams of Bhabhar belt
  • Highly alluvial & agricultural land
  • Has a high-water table due to groundwater percolating down from the adjacent zone

  • Flood plains with newer alluvium deposited by flood almost every year
  • Marked with fertile soil
  • Zone of intensive agriculture
  • Non porous, clayey and loamy

  • Alluvial terrace lying above the level of flood plains
  • Composed of the oldest alluvial soil
  • coarse in nature, contain kankar (lime nodules), pebbles, gravels
  • Soil of this region is locally known as kankar  viz. calcareous concretions
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