Modern Physics

Modern Physics Model of an atom [clear] Protons Discovered by Goldstein  Neutrons > Protons > Electrons  (in terms of mass)  Electrons Discovered by Thomson Neutrons Discovered by Chadwick [clear] Radioactivity…
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Electricity & Magnetism

Electricity & Magnetism Conductors & Charges When a hollow conductor is charged with static electricity, charge resides on outside surface of the conductor while inner surface remains unchanged. Hence, If…
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Heat & Thermodynamics

Heat & Thermodynamics Thermodynamics (F – 32 / 180 = C/100)  At -40*C both scales show identical readings No upper limit of temp. is defined but have a definite lower…
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Fluids Mechanics

Fluids Mechanics Pressure in liquid (P) = Density * g * h Relative Density (Hg) = 13.6 > Relative Density (Fe)   (Iron flows in mercury & do not sink)…
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Properties of Solids

Properties of Solids Elasticity Material regains shape & size on removal of force Plasticity Material remains deformed permanently on removal of force Stress (Restoring force / area) F / A…
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Waves & Oscillations

Waves & Oscillations Every oscillatory motion (small frequency) is vibratory motion (large frequency) but not vice a versa SHM Force is directly proportional to displacement from mean / equilibrium position…
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Basics of Mechanics

Basics of Mechanics Equations of motion V = u + at S = ut + ½ at2 v2 – u2 = 2as [clear] Basic knowledge of Mechanics Circular motion v…
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Fiber Optics & Laser

Fiber Optics & Laser Fiber Optics & Optical Fibers A technology that uses glass (or plastic) threads (fibers) to transmit data. A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of…
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