Rise of Democracy in India

Rise of Democracy in India

Rise of Democracy in India Faced with such serious challenges, other leaders from different countries resisted democracy as a form of governance. According to the leaders of different countries who…
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Tribal Integration in India

Tribal Integration in India

Tribal Integration During colonial times money lenders, traders & petty officials invaded the tribal areas and disrupted the tribal’s traditional way of life. To conserve forests and to facilitate their…
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Integration of Princely States

Integration of Princely States

Integration of Princely States Unifying post partition India & princely states under one administration was perhaps the most important task faced by then political leadership. In colonial India, nearly 40% of…
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India After Independence

India After Independence

India After Independence Partition and its aftermath Freedom came with Partition which resulted in large scale communal violence & riots In initial few years of independence India faced daunting challenges…
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Independence of African countries

Independence of African countries

 Independence of African countries Egypt Egypt was a British mandate after WW1. It had been declared independent in 1922 but British troop remained. After WW2 the demand for withdrawal of…
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