Musical Instruments in India

Musical Instruments in India Natya Shastra, compiled by Bharat Muni, divides musical instruments into four main categories on the basis of how sound is produced. Tata Vadya Chordophones Stringed instruments…
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Indian Music – Hindustani and Carnatic Music

Indian Music – Hindustani and Carnatic Music Some prominent Personalities & their prominent work – associated with the development of Indian music Earliest Indian music Sama Veda Slokas were put…
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Colonial Architecture – Modern India

Colonial Architecture – Modern India

Colonial Architecture – Modern India Portuguese established impressive churches in Iberian style of architecture for ex. churches of Goa. Francis Church at Cochin (1510) is believed to be the first…
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Deccan Style Architecture in Islamic Era

Deccan Style Architecture in Islamic Era

Deccan Style Architecture Hyderabad School Qutub Shahi and Nizam Shahi dynasties contributed greatly towards the development of the Deccan style of architecture. Charminar (1591) – Mohammed Quli Qutb Shah Mecca…
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Mughal Period Architecture

Mughal Period Architecture

Mughal Architecture  Indo-Muslim architecture got striking improvement with the arrival of Mughals, as had been declined significantly during the Lodi’s period. Unlike Delhi Sultanate Sultans, Mughals mixed and mingled with…
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Imperial Style during Islamic Era in India

Imperial Style during Islamic Era in India

Imperial Style during Islamic Era in India Slave dynasty (1206-1290) Also known as Ilbari dynasty, as all the ruler’s belonged to Ilbari tribe except Qutubuddin Aibak. The Style developed by…
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