Bays, Gulf and Sea in India

Bays, Gulf & Sea – India


Bays, Gulf & Sea – India

 Gulf of Katchh
  • Separate Katchh & Kathiawar Peninsula
  • Max. potential for tidal energy
  • Famous ports: Kandla, Mundra, Okha, Salaya
Gulf of Khambat
  • Forms mouth of various rivers, namely, Narmada, Tapi, Mahi, Sabarmati
Gulf of Mannar
  • Separates India & Srilanka, Located at southeast of Tamil Nadu.
  • Asia’s 1st oceanic biodiversity protection region & a biosphere reserve
  • Famous port Tuticorin lies along its coast
  • Its environment is likely to be hampered by Setusamundram project
Palk Bay
  • b/w India & Sri Lanka, & home to proposed Setusamundram project
Palk Strait
  • b/w India & Sri Lanka, Palk strait has coral formation
  • Setusamundram project to connect Palk strait with Gulf of mannar


Adam’s BridgeRama’s BridgeRama Setu 

  • a chain of limestone shoals, between Pamban Island, also known as Rameswaram Island
  • Lies off the south-eastern coast of Tamil Nadu, India, and Mannar Island, off the north-western coast of Sri Lanka

Adam Bridge, Rama Bridge, Rama Setu

Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project

  • Would link Palk Bay & Gulf of Mannar b/w Tamilnadu & Sri Lanka
  • By creating a shipping channel through the shallow sea called Sethusamudram via Ram Sethu.

Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project

Famous Seas / Oceans of India

Bay of Bengal

  • Bay of Bengal is bordered to the north by a wide continental shelf that narrows to the south and by slopes of varying gradient on the northwest, north, and northeast.
  • Bay of Bengal has a distinct tropical marine ecosystem, and copious river drainage into the northern part of the bay and the profusion of wetlands, marshes, and mangroves increase productivity of nearshore fish species.
  • Petroleum and natural-gas discoveries have been made in the Bay of Bengal, notably offshore of the Godavari and Manandi deltas.
  • The principal trade routes for large tankers en route from the Persian Gulf to the Strait of Malacca pass south of the Bay of Bengal.
  • Haldia, Vishakhapatnam, and Paradeep are well developed as iron ore terminals, reflecting India’s profitable exportation of raw materials.
Bay of Bengal Major Branches
  • Chandipur & Gopalpur in Orissa
  • Marina in Chennai

Oceans and Seas in India

Arabian Sea

  • The Arabian Sea is a region of the Indian Ocean bounded on the north by Pakistan and Iran, on the south by north-eastern Somalia, on the east by India and on the west by the Arabian Peninsula.
  • The countries with coastlines on the Arabian Sea are Somalia, Djibouti, Yemen, Oman, Iran, Pakistan, India and the Maldives.
  • The Arabian Sea has two important branches – the Gulf of Aden in the southwest, connecting with the Red Sea through the strait of Bab-el-Mandeb; and the Gulf of Oman to the northwest, connecting with the Persian Gulf.
  • There are also the gulfs of Cambay and Kutch on the Indian coast.
  • The Indus and the Narmada rivers are the principal waterways draining into the sea.
Arabian Sea Major Branches
  • Mandavi, Dwarka & Chorwad in Gujrat
  • Dahanu & Murad in Maharashtra
  • Arambol & Karwar in Karnataka
  • Kollam & Kovalam in Kerala

Indian Ocean 

  • Strategic significance  India overlooks some of the most important sea lanes viz. Suez Canal, Malacca Strait
  • Economic significance  Long coastline, 2.02 million sq km EEZ (Exclusive economic zone)
  • Tourism Significance  Marine biodiversity and rich ecosystem with coral reefs, mangroves
  • Large Fishing potential, Wave energy & Tidal energy potential, Zone of Hydrocarbons
  • Generation of south west Monsoon
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