Official Language India


Official Language India – 8th Schedule

Languages spoken in India belong to several language families, the major ones being the Indo-Aryan languages spoken by 75% of Indians and the Dravidian languages spoken by 20% of Indians.

  • Official language of Union should be Hindi or Devanagari script.
  • However, for a period of 5 years from the commencement of constitution, English language would continue to be used for all the official purposes of union, for which it was being used before the commencement of constitution.
  • President should, at the expiration of 5 years & thereafter at the expiration of 10 years from such commencement, by order constitute a commission to make recommendations regarding progressive use of Hindi language, restrictions on use of English language & other related issues.
  • Parliament may by law provide for continued use of English language for specified purposes, even after 15 years from the commencement of constitution.
  • A committee of 30 members (20 LS & 10 LS) should be constituted to examine recommendations of commission & to report its views to President.

Regional Languages

  • Legislature of state may adopt any one or more of languages in use in state or Hindi as official language of the state. Until that is done, English is to continue as official language of the state.
  • For the time being, English would remain the official language for communication b/w state & union or b/w various states. But 2 or more states are free to agree to use Hindi for communication b/w themselves.

Language of Judiciary

  • All the proceedings in SC & in every HC as well authoritive text of all bills, acts, ordinances etc. should be in English unless parliament provides otherwise.
  • Governor of the state, with previous consent of the President can authorize the use of Hindi or any other official language of the state in the proceeding of the HC of state, but not wrt the judgment, Decrees & order passed by it
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