Coastal Plains India

Coastal Plains India


Coastal Plains India

Kathiawar Coastal Plains
  • Spread from Kactch to Daman in south famous for large scale production of salt.
  • Tapti River, Narmada River, Sabarmati River and Mahi River deposit huge load of sediments in the Gulf of Cambay & form estuaries
Konkan Coastal Plains Spread from Daman in the north to Goa in the south (a submerged plain)
Kannada Coastal Plains Between Goa to Cannanore
Kanyakumari Coast Between Cannanore to Cape Camorin
Malabar coastal Plain  
  • Kannada Coast + Kanyakumari Coast
  • From Goa in the north to Kanyakumari in the south
  • An area which receives one of the highest rainfalls in monsoon season
  • Marked with Lagoons (Ashtamudi & Vembanad) called Kayals

Coastal Plains India

Utkal coastal Plain
  • Spread from deltaic plains of Ganga to Mahanadi Delta
  • Famous Chilka Lake is located in this plain
Andhra coastal Plain
  • Spread from southern limit of Utkal plains to Pulicat Lake
  • Contains deltas of Godavari & Krishna Rivers, & famous Kolleru Lake
Northern Circars
  • Utkal Coast + Andhra Coast
  • Between Mahanadi & Krishna
Coromandel Coastal Plai
  • Spread from Northern Chennai (Pulicat Lake) to Kanyakumari in the South
  • Contains deltaic plains of Kaveri & called as Pride of south India

Gujarat Plains  The plain area between the Western Ghats and the Arabian Sea from the gulf of Kuchchh and Gulf of Khambat located on either side of Kathiawar Peninsula is called Gujarat Plains.

Gujarat Plains

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