Bonded Labour India

Bonded Labour India All work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.…
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Migrants in India

Migrants in India Economic Survey 2016 – 9 million people annually migrate within India. NSSO – migrants constitute 30 % of national population as well as total working force. Patterns…
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Mental Health Care India

Mental Health Care India Depression is the single largest contributor to global disability. A major contributor to suicides & second leading cause of death among 15-29 year olds globally. Women…
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Drug Abuse Problem

Drug Abuse Problem India, witness on an average 10 suicides per day due to drug abuse. However, going against the popular belief Punjab witnessed just 4 suicides per million as…
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Non Communicable Diseases (Lifestyle Diseases)

Non Communicable Diseases (Lifestyle Diseases) Lifestyle diseases cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and blood pressure fluctuations have emerged as the biggest cause of deaths in India. Four behavioural risk factors are…
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Healthcare System in India & National Health Policy

Healthcare System in India & National Health Policy Healthcare System in India “Lancet Report on healthcare – India is the poorest performer in BRICS nations”  Challenges faced by Indian Healthcare System …
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