Landforms by Running Water

Landforms by Running Water

Landforms by Running Water Denudation is general lowering of earth’s surface by agents of erosion such as Wind, Water, Ice, Waves etc. Unlike glaciers & snow, which are confined to…
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Mass movement & Ground Water

Mass movement & Ground Water

Mass movement & Ground Water Mass movement Movement of weathered material down the slope due to gravitational force Movement may be gradual or sudden depending on the gradient of the…
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Distribution of Volcanoes in the world

Volcanoes & its Types

Volcanoes & its types Volcanoes A sudden & abrupt explosion in earth crust through which Magma, gases, dust, smoke & solid material burst out Volcanic activity is connected with crustal…
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Type of Plains

Type of Plains

Type of Plains Plains Plains usually are the best land of a country & are heavily cultivated & populated Even more at places where rivers transverse the plains For ex:…
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Mountains and Plateaus

Mountains and Plateaus

Mountains and Plateaus Mountains Part of land > 900 mts height With slope ~ 25 – 30* Mainly of four types viz. Fold Mountains Block Mountains Volcanic Mountains Residual /…
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