Vegetative Reproduction in Angiosperms
Vegetative Reproduction in Angiosperms: Reproduction of new plants from the portion of the vegetative parts of a plant is very common and is called vegetative reproduction. Stems, roots, leaves and even buds are variously modified to suit this requirements. This is called natural vegetative reproduction.
The new plants formed by vegetative propagation are genetically similar to the parents. Natural method: in natural methods, a portion of the plant gets detached from the body of the mother plant and grows into an independent plant. The parts may be stem, root, leaf or even flower.
- The underground modification of stem, like rhizome, (in ginger), tuber (potato), bulb (Onion) and corm (Zamikand) are provided with buds which develop into a new plant and are therefore used to carry out vegetative propagation of the plant in the field. Plants with subaerial modification such as Pistia (offset) and Chrysanthemum (sucker) are also used for vegetative propagation.
- Similarly, tuberous roots (Asparagus and Sweet potato) can be used for propagation as these roots have adventitious buds which ground into a new plant.
- Sometimes even leaves contribute to propagation of plants leaves of Bryophyllum and kalancloe have buds on the margin and these buds grow into small plantlets. When detached from the mother plant they grow into independent plants.
- In plants like agave and Oxalis multicellular bodies called bulbils develop near the glower. These are called bulbils which when fall on the ground grow into new plant.
Germination can be of two types:
Modes of Vegetative reproduction with examples
- Natural Methods (a) Roots (Adventitious) Asparagus, Sweet Potato (b) Stem (a) Runner (b) Sucker Lawn grass, mint, Onion, (c) Bulb Onion
- Artificial Methods (a) Cutting Rose, Money Plant (b) Layering Jasmine, (c) Grafting Grape wine (d) Tissue Culture