Indian Philosophy forms the 50% part of Paper 1 of Philosophy optional in civil services. Given below are the philosophy articles which will surely help you to get a good grasp of Indian Philosophy.
- A Note On Indian Philosophy
Jainism & Buddhism Form the Heterodox Schools (nastika) of Indian Philosophy which defied the authority of Vedas; and took the more pragmatic & rational view of human life.
- Jainism Philosophy
- Buddhism Philosophy
6 Indian Philosophy Schools which believed in authority of Vedas were termed as astika (orthodox) schools – Nyaya, Vaishesika, Yoga, Samkhya, Mimamsa & Vedanata – Vedic system of thoughts. Vedic School itself consist of the several school of thoughts like Samkara School, Ramanuja School, Madhva School etc.
- Samkhya Philosophy
- Yoga School Philosophy – (Neo Samkhya)
- Nyaya School Philosophy
- Vaisheshika School Philosophy
- Charvaka Philosophy
- Mimamsa Philosophy
- Vedanta Philosophy – Shankaracharya, Ramanuja
- Vedanta Philosophy – Madhavacharya Dvaitvada
Aurobindo Ghosh Philosophy in Indian Philosophy system mainly is the integration of all Indian & Western school of thoughts; which he propounded in his Philosophy of Integral Yoga.
- Aurobindo Philosophy & Integral Yoga
Dr Surendranath Dasgupta’s in-depth work is mainly intended to provide a holistic exposition of Indian thought, based on original texts and commentaries. Occasionally, however, the author has discussed the views of other writers in the assessment of the chronology of facts.Years of dedicated study and painstaking collation of data yielded this phenomenal collection of all the strains of philosophic thought propagated by various schools and philosophers in India down the ages. Originally published in five volumes, the last being posthumous, A History of Indian Philosophy remains a seminal work for scholars and students alike.This edition presents the original work in three volumes for the first time, making it more accessible and easier to handle. Nothing of the original has been abridged or sacrificed to the book.
Must you have – A History of Indian Philosophy – Vol. 1 –
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amazing content..