India Afghanistan Relations

India Afghanistan Relations India & Afghanistan have a strong relationship based on historical & cultural links. Since time immemorial, people of Afghanistan and India have interacted with each other through trade and…
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India Bangladesh Relations

India Bangladesh Relations India’s links with Bangladesh are civilizational, cultural, social and economic – a shared history and common heritage, linguistic and cultural ties, passion for music, literature and the…
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India Pakistan Relations

India Pakistan Relations Hindu ruler Hari Singh tried to negotiate with India & Pak to have an independent status for his state. Since majority population of the state was Muslim,…
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India Bhutan Relations

India Bhutan Relations Bhutan- India relations are governed by a friendship treaty (1949) that was renegotiated in 2007, freeing Thimphu’s external relations & arms import permission from Delhi, but still…
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India China Relations

India China Relations India & China, both the countries started off on cordial note post independence with signing of Panchsheel. However the relations turned cold post 1962 war which created mistrust…
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OPEC, ADB, NAM, NATO Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an international organization and economic cartel whose mission is to coordinate…
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Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) HQ at Jakarta (Indonesia); Established in 1967 in Bangkok via Bangkok Declaration Founding Fathers of ASEAN Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand Since then, membership…
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