Causes of First World War

Causes of First World War

Causes of First World War In 1914, a war began in Europe which soon engulfed almost the entire world. The damage caused by this war had no precedent in history.…
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The Second International & Cry Against War

The Second International & Cry Against War

The Second International & Cry Against War The Second International When the First International was formed, there did not exist well-organised socialist parties: there were only a few groups. However,…
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First International & Paris Commune

First International & Paris Commune

First International & Paris Commune The First International, 1864 With the formation of International Working Men’s Association, or First International, as it is called, it has been said, “Socialism stepped on…
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Emergence of Socialism

Emergence of Socialism

Emergence of Socialism Industrialization and capitalism brought benefits as well as hardship to man – unemployment, smoky, crowded cities, unhealthy living and working conditions, rivalry and conflict between nations. As working men…
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Rise of Imperialism in Japan

Rise of Imperialism in Japan

Rise of Imperialism in Japan Around 1850s, Japanese independence came under threat. US sent a naval fleet in 1853 and coerced Japan into opening two ports for US ships and…
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Colonialism in Africa (19th century)

Colonialism in Africa (19th century)

Colonialism in Africa (19th century) Difficult terrains, non-navigable rivers & other such geographical features ensured that colonialism had a late entry in mainland Africa and was restricted for a long time…
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