Revolutionary Terrorism During 1920s

Revolutionary Terrorism During 1920s

Revolutionary Terrorism During 1920s Sudden withdrawal of the Non-Cooperation Movement left many disillusioned; they began to question the basic strategy of nationalist leadership, since these younger nationalists were not attracted…
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Swarajists and No Changers

Swarajists and No Changers

Swarajists and No Changers After Gandhi’s arrest (March 1922), there was disintegration, disorganisation and demoralisation among nationalist ranks. A debate started among Congressmen on what to do during the transition…
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Emergence of Gandhi in Africa

Emergence of Gandhi in Africa

Emergence of Gandhi in Africa Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869 in Porbandar in the princely state of Kathiawar in Gujarat. Having studied law in England, he…
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