Hello Aspirants!! Iasmania.com is a humble effort to provide good quality short & sharp notes to future aspirants, as its tough to collect the useful stuff from tonnes of websites. It’s a step to spread quality education, filtered from tonnes of useless stuff that we come across while reading various books, coaching stuff & online platforms.
Properties of Solids Elasticity Material regains shape & size on removal of force Plasticity Material remains deformed permanently on removal of force Stress (Restoring force / area) F / A…
Waves & Oscillations Every oscillatory motion (small frequency) is vibratory motion (large frequency) but not vice a versa SHM Force is directly proportional to displacement from mean / equilibrium position…
Fiber Optics & Laser Fiber Optics & Optical Fibers A technology that uses glass (or plastic) threads (fibers) to transmit data. A fiber optic cable consists of a bundle of…
Systems of Units Measurement The CGS (centimeter, gram, second) system Length is measured in centimeters, mass is measured in grams and time is measured in seconds. Thus centimeter, gram and…