Advantages and Disadvantages of Vegetative Reproduction


Advantages and Disadvantages of Vegetative Reproduction


  1. Rapid means of reproduction and spread.
  2. Offspring’s identical to parent. The desired varieties can thus be preserved genetically for use.
  3. Food storage organs allow perennation or survival in adverse conditions.
  4. Improved varieties of ornamental plants and trees can be multiplied easily.
  5. Vegetative propagation is a quicker, easier and a less expensive method of multiplying plants.


  • Overcrowding and competition for space unless separated artificially.
  • New varieties cannot be produced by this method except by mutation.
  • Diseases typical of the species are rapidly transmitted and can decimate a crop.

The Micropropagation

The technique of plant tissues culture is utilised for propagation of plants. The process as explained below with the help of diagrams.

A small piece of tissue, organ or even a single cell is taken from a plant and is transferred to a sterilized container with nutrient medium in aseptic conditions. The tissue grows very very fast into an unorganised mass, called callus.

The callus can be maintained and multiplied or an indefinite period. When small portions of the tissue are transferred to another specialised medium with hormones, it induces differentiation and plantlets (little plants) are formed.

The Plantlets can be transplanted into pots and or soil by a gradual process and are grown to mature plants.

Steps of micropropagation.

Advantages of Micropropagation

By this method an indefinite number of identical plants can be obtained vegetatively starting from a small amount of parent tissue.

In orchids, carnations, Chrysanthemum and Asparagus, micropropagation is being successfully tried in some parts of our country.

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