Introduction of Nutrition and Digestive System

Introduction of Nutrition and Digestive System

Introduction of Nutrition and Digestive System Nutrition (also called Nourishment or aliment) is the provision, to cells and organisms, of the materials necessary (in the form of food) to support…
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Active Immunization Vaccination

Active Immunization (Vaccination)

Active Immunization (Vaccination) People had observed in the past that individuals who recovered from certain diseases are protected for life time from recurrences. This gave rise to the concept of…
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Types of Immunity

Types of Immunity

Types of Immunity There are two main types of immunity (i) Natural or innate (i.e. genetic, form birth), and (ii) Acquired (i.e. developed during lifetime) A. Natural or Innate Immunity…
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Antigen & Antibody

Antigen & Antibody

Antigen & Antibody: While discussing about ‘self’ and ‘non-self’, we got a broad idea of antigen. Definition and Properties of an antigen An antigen is any foreign molecule that can…
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Defence Mechanisms in the Body

Defence Mechanisms in the Body

Defence Mechanisms in the Body There are four defence mechanisms in our body Immunity to defend the body from infections. Metabolic defence to metabolize and detoxify foreign chemicals. Stoppage of…
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Biology – A Science of Exceptions

Biology – A Science of Exceptions Physical Sciences have sets of principles or laws which are universal in their application, on the other hand life sciences have very few universally…
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Branches of Biology

Branches of Biology These are the main branches of biology: Aerobiology – The study of airborne organic particles Agriculture – The study of producing crops from the land, with an…
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Research Structural

Research Structural Molecular biology is the study of biology at a molecular level. This field overlaps with other areas of biology, particularly with genetics and biochemistry. Molecular biology chiefly concerns…
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