Special Provisions for states (Article 371)

Special Provisions for states (Article 371)

Special Provisions for states (Article 371) Article 371 Special Provisions for Maharashtra & Gujrat President is authorised to provide that Governor of Maharashtra & Gujrat would have special responsibilities for:…
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Special Status of J & K

Special Status of J & K

Special Status of J & K J & K has truly federal relation with the union. J & K got independence on 15th Aug, 1947 along with India, but daunted…
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High Courts - India

High Courts – India

High Courts – India Indian High court act, 1861 High courts established at Calcutta, Bombay & Madras. Constitution states that there shall be HC in every state, but parliament has…
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Writs in Indian Constitution

Writs in Indian Constitution

Writs in Indian Constitution The Indian Constitution empowers the Supreme Court and High Courts to issue writs for enforcement of any of the fundamental rights conferred by Part III of…
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Jurisdiction & Powers of Supreme Court

Jurisdiction & Powers of Supreme Court

Jurisdiction & Powers of Supreme Court Original Jurisdiction “Original jurisdiction of SC is power to hear a case for the 1st time unlike Appellate jurisdiction” Purely federal in character i.e.,…
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Supreme Court – India

Supreme Court – India

Supreme Court – India “Independent Judiciary Sine – Qua – Non of Democracy (Absolutely needed)” Exist to see that laws made by legislature are intra vires (with the constitution) At…
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The State Legislature

The State Legislature

State Legislature – Governor, Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council Legislative Council Only for 7 states Article 171 of the Constitution of India provides for the establishment of a Vidhan Parishad. The…
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