The Cell and Cell Theory

The Cell and Cell Theory

The Cell and Cell Theory Landmarks in cell study Soon after anton van Leewenhock invented the microscope, Robert Hooke in 1665 observed a piece of cork under the microscope and found…
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Introduction of the Cell

Introduction of the Cell

INTRODUCTION All organisms and functional units of life call ‘cells’. The body of some organisms life bacteria, protozoans and some algae is made up of a single cell while the…
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Dhyeya IAS MCQs September 2023

01st September 2023 02nd September 2023 04th September 2023 05th September 2023 06th September 2023 08th September 2023 09th September 2023 11th September 2023 12th September 2023 13th September 2023…
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Dhyeya IAS MCQs August 2023

01st August 2023 02nd August 2023 03rd August 2023 04th August 2023 05th August 2023 07th August 2023 08th August 2023 09th August 2023 10th August 2023 11th August 2023…
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Dhyeya IAS MCQs July 2023

01st July 2023 03rd July 2023 04th July 2023 05th July 2023 06th July 2023 07th July 2023 08th July 2023 10th July 2023 11th July 2023 12th July 2023…
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Dhyeya IAS MCQs June 2023

01st June 2023 02nd June 2023 03rd June 2023 05th June 2023 06th June 2023 07th June 2023 08th June 2023 09th June 2023 10th June 2023 12th June 2023…
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Dhyeya IAS MCQs May 2023

01st May 2023 02nd May 2023 03rd May 2023 04th May 2023 05th May 2023 06th May 2023 08th May 2023 09th May 2023 10th May 2023 11th May 2023…
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