Biology – A Science of Exceptions

Biology – A Science of Exceptions Physical Sciences have sets of principles or laws which are universal in their application, on the other hand life sciences have very few universally…
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Branches of Biology

Branches of Biology These are the main branches of biology: Aerobiology – The study of airborne organic particles Agriculture – The study of producing crops from the land, with an…
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Research Structural

Research Structural Molecular biology is the study of biology at a molecular level. This field overlaps with other areas of biology, particularly with genetics and biochemistry. Molecular biology chiefly concerns…
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Foundations of Modern Biology

Foundations of Modern Biology Much of modern biology can be encompassed within five unifying principles: Cell theory, Evolution, Genetics, Homeostasis and Energy. Cell Theory Cells in culture, stained for keratin…
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Historical Background of Biology

Historical Background of Biology

Historical Background of Biology The term of Biology is derived from the Green word (bios, “life” and the suffix, -logia, “study of”). Although biology in its modern form is a…
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BIOTECHNOLOGY At home we prepare food items such as yoghurt (curd), cake, bread, idli and dosa etc. by the action of tiny microorganisms, the bacteria and fungi. Brewers use yeast…
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Genetic counselling

Genetic counselling

GENETIC COUNSELLING You have earlier learnt about dominant and recessive genes. If a child receives a dominant gene from one parent and its recessive from the other parent (heterozygous condition)…
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