Hello Aspirants!! Iasmania.com is a humble effort to provide good quality short & sharp notes to future aspirants, as its tough to collect the useful stuff from tonnes of websites. It’s a step to spread quality education, filtered from tonnes of useless stuff that we come across while reading various books, coaching stuff & online platforms.
Council Of Ministers Council of Ministers consists of “Cabinet ministers + Minister of States (Independent charge) + Deputy Minister (Minister of state)” Points to Ponder PM is appointed by President…
Vice President: Qualification, Election, Removal, Emoluments Vice President Appointed for 5 years. Ex- officio chairman of council of states (Rajya Sabha) 2nd highest dignitary of India, occupying 2nd place in…
President: Qualification, Election, Powers, Removal President Elected for 5-year term & eligible for re-election. Executive head of India & all the executive powers of the union shall be vested in…
Fundamental Duties – India Fundamental Duties were added to Indian constitution by 42nd amendment in 1976 on recommendations of Swarn Singh committee. Initially 10 Fundamental Duties were added under article 51…
Directive Principle of State Policy (DPSP) Directive Principle of State Policy provides guidelines to central & state government in India, to be kept in mind while framing laws & policies…
Fundamental Rights in India Fundamental Rights (FRs) are known as cornerstone of Indian constitution & mentioned in Part 3 of the constitution. They prohibits unreasonable interference of the state &…
Citizenship in India & Indian citizenship acts Fundamental Rights provided in Indian constitution are available to citizens of India only; some of the fundamental rights which are not enjoyed by…
Union & its Territories – Formation of States in India Article 1 of Indian Constitution defines names & territories of nation >> Describes India as union of states (Not federation…